
Raspberry, Pie

Poutine & Hot Dogs

Ramen (by sndoron2008)

roasted pineapple with honey and pistachio

banana pancakes (by linncling)

Recipe by Gorgeous

Zucchini baked with mushroom soup, sour cream, onions and carrots and topped with buttery stuffing.

Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Easy and light pasta with tomatoes and garlic. Cooked chicken breast chunks or shrimp can also be added to sauce for a great main dish!

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Salads are supposed to be healthy, but at many restaurants the salads are so full of fat, sugar, and salt that they are the worst thing on the menu! Here are the worst offenders.

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One Pan Balsamic Chicken and Veggies

Blackberry Chocolate Greek Frozen Yogurt Cones

This is a wild one: A whole chicken is smeared with Dijon mustard, then grilled over a can filled with beer and Italian dressing!


Recipe by - Dolce Vita -

Quinoa Spring Rolls with Cashew Dipping Sauce